G7 Meeting and the hypocrisy – covid, masks & jabs -part 2

g7 and the hypocrisy covid masks and jabs

This is article 2 of 3 in the Red Brick series of COVID, MASKS, JABS. I am Pandora ‘Lucky Lu’ D’efio, a reporter on secondment from our Red Brick’s main office in Greece. I am here to cover the G7 meeting in Cornwall, England. To those of you who follow my work, you will know that I uncover ‘uncomfortable truths’ and often give my opinions on everyday events, sometimes these are events you could just not make up. I do not intend to offend or worry anyone reading this article, but I warn you, it might contain some facts and opinions that you might disagree with.

I never ever bought into the mask wearing guff, because I balanced the opinions of lesser known, but nevertheless, experts in the fields of virology, against the ambiguous information fed to us from the government’s experts, or as we refer to them at Red Brick, ‘Spurts.’

I wondered how long it would take before the illusion collusion veil would slip low enough to expose mask wearing as a fraud, in my opinion, of course. My opinion is based on the many instances where those who have preached to us about wearing masks, have themselves been caught out flouting the very rules they were party to making and or recommending being followed.

Never did I, or any of the Red Brick staff, for one moment think that the ‘Elites’ would gift us with the evidence that this mask wearing nonsense, has, is, and will continue to be a ‘sham.’ A sham, which the trusting British people have swallowed ‘hook, line and with blinkers’ on.

The damning evidence of the actual risk of contacting the lurgy must be much lower than we have been told, which makes me think that the recovery rate for those who catch a nasty dose of it, must be higher than the 97% or 98% or even 99% we often see or hear being quoted in the media.

And what was it that caused a collective breakdown of the Elites unmasking themselves, well, I’m not sure, but I will speculate that it was the flow of alcohol at the BBQ. Ah yes, the BBQ, where the Elites gave in to their very own ABC’s: Apéritifs, Burgers and Chips. You see, despite all the Pretence, Opulence, and Botox, they are just ‘Farties’ at the end of the day, which was how the multi-talented Ben Elton of Blackadder fame, referred to the Elites. The words ‘I see ya but wouldn’t want to be ya’ come to mind.

We all saw, what was for millions of people an utter disgrace, but not to us, the Elites totally and in plain sight showing us what they thought of the COVID threat. The Satanic Rule of 6 we have so often heard from these people and their servants, was showed to be the nonsense, Plandemic, Scamdemic, over-stated, over-played hand that it is.

These Elites claim we are in a Pandemic and with so many of the G7 attendees being from all over the world, many of whom have now returned to their respective countries, you would think they would be worried, no, petrified, at the thought of taking home the ‘dreaded lurgy,’ instead of bringing back a traditional stick of rock, a fridge magnet or a Cornwall tea coaster?

So, the sixty-four-thousand-dollar question is: Why were the G7 Elitist attendees not phased about catching the deadly virus and taking it home as ‘super-spreaders?’ It is my opinion that they knew they could not catch it, because if they for one moment thought that they could, would they have taken the risk of infecting their family and goodness knows how many others, too?

So, there they were all mincing about on the beach making EU friendly beefburgers, sausages etc, whilst the ‘social distancing’ rules, Borisovsky’s rules, were given evening off. If any of these Elites did believe that they could be infected by the Lurgy virus, then it would not be masks they would be wearing, it would probably look something more like this:

I do not recall the Mainstream Media reporting 24 hour ‘loop-like’ fashion the significance of the Elites not wearing their masks, had they done so and made the millions of UK citizens aware of this, as was their duty, then I am sure there would have been public outrage against the rules, which have clearly been made for us, but not for them, thus proving the adage:  ‘Rules for thee, but not for me,’ or in plain Red Brick speak, ‘one big kick in the slats for humanity. 

It is like so many situations most of us will have experienced in our lives, in that those who make the rules are the ones who end up breaking them.  Whether this is through complacency, arrogance, self-grandeur, narcissism, greed, or as a child they never got to sing ‘I’m the King of the Castle and you are dirty rascals,’ because they were a spoilt brat, and no child wanted to play with them unless they were bribed with sweets?  The fact is we will never know what makes these people tick. 

Is it the fault of the millions of British people who believe that COVID is all about getting some sort of concoction inside us all to depopulate our world, or as is explained in Agenda 21, to manage the world’s population?  What we witnessed at the G7 BBQ was ‘biblical Mockery’ to us who believe in God, but for those who do not believe, it should make them ask questions about what they have been told, but for us at Red Brick it was quite simply the ‘truth in plain sight.’ 

The ‘total disdain’ these Elites, powerful Leaders of the free world, protectors of our democracy and human rights, was deliberately put on show to us at the G7 and I think the reason was, because this was their way of announcing to us, that we, the useless eaters, the plebs etc, should expect to see more of the Elites mocking us in some other way, but how and when this will happen, I do not know, although I would gladly be wrong about this. 

As we always say at Red Brick, don’t take our word for it, do your own research. 

Pandora ‘Lucky Lu’ Defio, for Red Brick. 

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