Assisted Dying Bill – Dystopiama is Earth’s Future

Editor: Google Artificial Intelligence definition for the phrase ‘Parallel World:’

‘A parallel world, also known as an alternate universe, is a hypothetical universe that coexists with our own, but is distinct in some way. The idea of parallel worlds is one of the oldest speculative ideas in literature and legend, and has been explored in many works of fiction, film, and television.’ Google A I.

Red Brick Fact Checkers, Churchill ‘Churchy’ Jones and Ron ‘Tuccer’ Prycy can tell you right now that the above is bunkum and how do they know this, it’s simple, because they live on Planet Dystopiama, which is Earth’s parallel world.

The boys are seriously perturbed at what Dystopiama has become, so, over to the two boys, actually, over to the men, because they have ‘Desperate Dan’ beards, wear ‘bovver boots’ and have their ladies’ names tattooed next to their, err…. never you mind!


Right, over to you gruff, rugged, ruddy men.

Good day to you all on planet Earth and by the way, we must say the future is looking a tad poo-poo cacka-cacka over there, what with them Globalists controlling the politicians, celebrities and the legacy mainstream media outlets. We are sorry to say this, but it ain’t looking rosy at all.

This article will explain what your future is going to look like, because here on Dystopiama, the Assisted Dying Bill has developed exponentially and not in a good way, but first we will explain how the future is shaped on Planet Dystopiama.

You see, Dystopiama is Earths’ parallel world, or should we say Earth’s parallel ‘future world,’ and here on our planet we are exactly three years, three months and three days ahead of earth time.

What is currently in the planning or has been introduced by your government on Earth, is being or has been played out here, so let us show what your indifference has achieved for us

folks living on Dystopiama, now that the swampsters have introduced the Assisted Dying Bill.

Introducing Judge Jeffrey Gregose whose nickname is ‘Jumpy.’ When holding court ‘Jumpy’ identifies as a woman and is addressed as, ‘My Lady.’

Oh, if you think that was bad, nope, certainly not, because that was ‘Her Ladyship’ warming up and is nothing compared to the contempt she holds for all of those who come before her.

Why is her nickname Jumpy we hear you ask, it’s because she does not allow people to hang around in her courtroom for too long whilst they await sentencing, because once a person has been found guilty, she ‘jumps at the chance of sending them to the nearest gibbet where they can hang about all day.

Once the court session is over, off comes the Batman outfit and into the tweeds, then with golf clubs in hand it’s off to what is now, ‘His’ private gentlemen only club to play a round of golf

with his bear-hugging, knuckle- cracking dragging, firm handshaking, hairy chested, hairy arm pitted and likeminded gruff rough and ever so tough, buddies.

Seriously, you must listen to what we are saying, because time is running out, tick-tock tick-tock, and on Dystopiama your daily apathy is like a daily ‘kick in the stots’ for us blokes, and for the women it is like having their credit cards cut up at the checkout, just as they are about to purchase girlie expensive products to impress their men.

You see, it is obvious that the Globalists and there (alleged) Depopulation Agenda are in for the long haul, because if you have not already seen these images that have appeared in London’s Underground recently, then take a good look at these:

Just what you want the youth of today to see when they are about to start life as young adults in your world. Is this what they have to look forward to, a convenient death paid for by the government, which means paid for by the taxpayer and in turn, means paid for the young people who are viewing the mages.

The indoctrination of the younger generation began decades ago, through skilfully manoeuvring everyone in the direction the global elites had intended for you, which we believe is towards your own subjugation by passively socially engineering your absolute surrender.

The Globalist’s now have their feet under the table, although they are not quite ready to sit back in their recliners, which means they will forge on, until future generations accept that ending their own life is seen as the, ‘in thing,’ or as Earth’s youth would now say, ‘wicked, sick or rad,’ which is a satanic reversal of the meaning, when wicked and sick are used to describe something good, when life, living and creating are

being portrayed as selfish and burdensome to other and only death can offer salvation.

Clearly your Global Elite are revving things up and if you do not get your act together, what is going on over here today will soon become your tomorrow, what do you reckon, My Lady?

If you think the Assisted Dying Bill is as simple as your politicians and media outlets are making it out to be, then for feck’s sake you have to get a grip.

So, you need to get your ripe precious peach of your into gear and quickly before the globalists go full throttle and leave you all sniffing their engine fumes and looking at the rubber they have burned into the road as a gesture to mock you, making a visible representation of how they see your future status, on the ground and underfoot.

What we have described is not progress, it is a snapshot of the diabolical, a damnation of what your society has become and where it is going, because it will not end there, it most definitely

will not end there and how do we know, because we live on Planet Dystopiama and we are your future parallel planet, 3 years, 3 months and 3 days ahead of you.

It does not have to be this way, because you can change our tomorrows by changing your todays.


Churchill ‘Churchy’ Jones and Ron ‘Tuccer’ Prycy, for Red Brick International Media News Group.

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