Editor: If it is true and there is an intention to reduce the world’s population, at Red Brick, we have long since believed that a multi-nation war would be the globalists best option, by allowing them to dispose of their burdensome abundance of human resources.
We are not able to get inside the mind of the psychos, sociopaths and eugenicist loving war mongers, but if we could, we imagine they would think like this:
For centuries now us Globalists have through various means, manufactured wars to cull the masses, such as the pretence of getting ‘our’ human resources to believe that they are defending their realm, however, despite this having been a highly successful method of keeping the numbers down, the age of modernity is upon us and this requires a more lateral approach to the depopulation management.
A combination of a global health crisis, perpetual conflict, the threat of a world war and the fear of an imminent cataclysmic disaster due to climate change, will provide the necessary distractions to continue with the Depopulation Agenda,
Through continuing to lower the number of our resources, i.e. humans unworthy of life, our vision of a New World Order, which in part is stealthily managed by our partner stakeholders,’ the World Economic
Forum (WEF), the architects of the Great Reset, takes us nearer to its realisation,
It is likely that a huge input of human resources into an Eastern European War will result in an incredibly low yield of the human resources returning from the Meat Grinder.
The low rate of return from the initial input of human resources is seen as a sound investment and a promising start to population reduction, through the ‘Invest to Save,’ principle.
If we maximise our investment by injecting more of our human resources into the ‘killing fields,’ the long-term savings from: Less pollution and fewer ‘useless eaters’ whose trend is to breed like rabbits, will see a significant decrease in their numbers, although there is still work to be done. There is also the added benefit of not having to listen to their working class unintelligible regional accents.
Editor: The above is a frightening thought and let us pray that this will never ever happen. Now, I would like to introduce Alexous Hudlo Darnley, from our Department of Futurism, Science and Investigative Journalism. You can take it from here Alex, who is also known as the ’Hud.’
Hello folks, it is this type of thinking that the psychopaths, sociopaths, eugenicists and knobheads consider ‘a deal well done,’ investing more
human resources (input) into the ‘meat grinder,’ resulting in fewer returning home from war, which they consider a ‘result’ (outcome).
Their concept of investment and commodities completes yet another of their ‘satanic reversals’ to be seen and in plain sight and not just throughout the UK, but also in parts of the world. I know, it’s hard to get your head around it all, because empathetic humans can’t do that and hopefully, never will.
My advice is do not try rationalising the purveyors of war and destruction, after all, they are what they are; accept that knowing who they are and what they stand for is enough, because evil is what evil does and the Holy Bible states that, ‘You will know them by their fruits,’ Matthew 7:15-20 New King James Bible Version https://www.biblegateway.com
Looking at the world as it is today on a freezing day in November 2024, what other explanation is there to be considered other than NATO is pushing for a war with Russia; and Russia might just be the starter, so what else do the Globalists have on their menu?

World War 3 has moved the Doomsday Clock closer to the big hand touching the little hand, and if the Globalists who own NATO continue to poke the Bear, our fate might soon be sealed.
Whilst I am on the subject of NATO, it is an organisation which should have been made redundant following the withdrawal of the Warsaw Pact from Western Europe, which was marked by the collapse of the Berlin Wall, a wall razed to the ground by a generation of hopefuls, hopeful that they will never witness the horrors of war their forefathers were subjected to.
However, when the countries that make up Europe surrender their sovereignty to the European Union, I doubt if it will take the EU too long to assemble a European Army, after all, they are halfway there, anyways; it is just a matter of timing, for them
The level of corruption that has surrounded Ukraine in recent years does not seem to have been subject of much reporting, well, not by the Mainstream Media (MSM), however, if you do your own research using the ‘independent media’ whose voices and investiture are measured through their investigative journalism, which seeks only the truth as well as providing an alternative narrative for debate
No doubt the charge of being yet ‘another conspiracy theorist will be winging its way in my direction, however, I refute the accusation pleading
‘not guilty, your honour,’ although I do admit to being a ‘Coincidence Theorist,’ for which no legal statute exists, therefore, case dismissed.
Of course, putting the jovial quips to one side for the moment, in this apparent ‘age of free speech,’ why would anyone seek to put down or dismiss the likes of societies millions of ‘Critical Thinkers,’ who only seek answers to the questions, questions that appear to have been answered, yet remain ignorant of the facts.
However, don’t take my word for it, because there are far more ambiguities out there in the big wide world, which require an explanation and or clarification, isn’t that right, Neil?
Here, just listen to Neil Armstrong via the YouTube link below.
Armstrong, who along with Edwin ‘Buzz’ Aldrin and Michael Collins are credited with having been to the moon in a rocket ship, two of whom, Armstrong and Aldrin, got suited and booted and jumped into the Eagle Moon Lander, which looked like it was wrapped in aluminium cooking foil to protect them from what, little green men with ‘layzerrrrrs,’ or to protect them from hot spatter when cooking a ‘Moon Roast?
Whatever the reason for cooking wrap, it is as confusing as what Neil Armstrong said on one of the rare, and I do mean rare occasions he spoke to a group of students encouraging them to take space exploration to the next level:
“Today we have with us a group of students, among America’s best. To you we say: we’ve only completed the beginning. We leave you much that is undone. There are great ideas undiscovered, breakthroughs available to those who can remove one of truth’s protective layers.”
Very odd use of language indeed but was it deliberate? The official line is that he was referring to ‘natures mysteries’ and if this was the case, then why didn’t he just say that, or was it his intention to be cryptic knowing that one day his words will become more obvious as time unfolds, which is something we will all have to wait patiently for.

At Red Brick we employ a highly trained team of international investigative journalists whose role is to ask the questions, questions that the Mainstream Media do not appear to be asking, instead preferring to adorn their front pages with meaningless ‘bling’ and pointless celebrity gossip, to swell the void between the ears of ‘Normies’ using words with two syllables or less.
However, for us at Red Brick being the ‘critical thinkers’ that we are, we have developed a far more sensitive and refined palate, so that when we feed our insatiable appetite for reporting truth, evidential ambiguities and an alternative narrative, we can fully appreciate the nourishment that it brings.
Our reporters run towards the stories the MSM have refused to investigate, or have been told to turn their backs on, which the MSM fact checkers,’ who we know we can all trust, yeah right, will then claim any theories and opinions surrounding said story have been debunked on the basis that one or two details within the story are incorrect or slightly inaccurate, yet failing to address the other 95% of claims made, which is what us ‘critical thinkers’ want answers to.
With this in mind and so many commentators warning that the Ukraine Russia war is about to escalate, actually, we can add NATO into the mix and call it what it is, NATO & Ukraine v Russia war, perhaps the Gubbles and Normies are sited in the best place, bunkered up within their own thoughts impervious to the tenuous world around them, which has me thinking, “move over you lot and make room for me.”
Look at this Google internet definition for Armageddon: A dramatic and catastrophic conflict, especially one seen as likely to destroy the world or the human race.
History is littered with those who would seek to destroy races and cultures, and those who became the winners have been recorded as ‘Empire Builders,’ having gained the editing rights for the final draft, or in other words, how history would record the events because they wrote it.
Then there are the losers, the ones who did not win the battles yet had no less intent than the winners, seeking only to further their own goals through the subjugation of other races and cultures, so who was right and who was wrong, and what is the truth about what we have been told.
There is much for us to learn about our hidden history, but how many of us will live long enough to see the “breakthroughs available to those who can remove one of truth’s protective layers,” isn’t that right, Neil.
So, how will History record the Assisted Dying Bill (if accepted), will its inception be seen as an act of good in the fight to ease indefinite human suffering, or will it be judged in a way that describes peoples’ indifference to the convenient expulsion of life.
Anyways, take a look at these headlines from the Gateway Pundit:

These headlines are from 2022, which makes me wonder, what have the Globalists been up to since then and is it a coincidence that the UK Parliament is about to ‘vote’ on the acceptance of the Assisted Dying Bill,
especially as Canada, one of the UK’s closest allies has normalised assisted dying.
So, does this mean that in two years’ time, should the UK Assisted Dying Bill become law, the UK will also be two years away from the stage Canada was at in 2022.
I say it like this because I fear the Assisted Dying Bill could develop into a ‘One-Stop-Dystopian-Shop’ for resolving situations, period, especially for the future generations considered to have shown political dissent towards what might then be a ‘One Party’ system of government, similar to what government is like today in 2024 UK, but with far more psychos and eugenicist loving knobbers.
The ‘One Party System of Government’ theory is a theme that has popped up in several of Red Brick’s published articles, such as this one:
War – Why and for Whom? – Article 1 of 2 https://theredbrick.co.uk/2024/02/26/war-why-and-for-whom-article-1
Times have changed from our distant past when patriotic citizens full of nationalistic fervour would cry, ‘Up and at Them,’ when their government announced, ‘your country needs you,’ hell yes times have changed.
During the Tony Blair and Tory years they have been working ‘double shifts’ to rid the citizens of any patriotic feelings they might have towards Queen, King and Country, and they have done this during the last five
decades up until the present day, only now they are not just working double shifts, they are also on steroids too.’
My question is, how will the X-Box generation react to being called up for war duty, because this is no longer a hypothetical subject. There was a time I would have said ‘do your duty’ and defend your country, but that was then, and this is now, because the line between who the bullies are and who the aggressors are, has become so blurred, the colour of their flags has merged into one dark mass.
No longer will I seek to condemn anyone whose choice it will be to say no, “Sorry, that day is not convenient, it’s my ‘me time’ day,” or “Did you say Monday, damn, no can do Booby, because it’s my spa day,’’ or “Are you being serious man, war will mess up my hair.” I would not even be surprised if someone were to say, “My mommy says no, go fight your own globalist war, she’s wrote me a note to say so.”
And you can forget about claiming ‘Snowflake Immunity,’ because your government will have that covered, and claiming to be a bloke who identifies as a women will not gain you any purchase either, because that claim has been negated, too.

And if you think claiming that you have a beautiful face and body and you want it to remain that way, sorry, but you are not exempt, but good luck anyways, although ‘shrapnel’ is non-discriminatory.

Oh yes, one final thing to know and that is, reinventing yourself with a new gender identity will not work either and you only have yourself to blame, after all, didn’t you always want to be treated as equally as the next person, well, now you can, so wrap up well, because I hear |Russia is cold this time of year.
Comedy was not my intention there, because there is a visible shift between how men think when I was a soldier, and the more up to date version of men today, generally speaking, of course. I’m not criticising, I am applauding a generation I believe is more likely to say, ‘I do not want to go to war, I want to live,’ and herein lies my fear for the generations who have preceded mine.
During WW1, the soldiers who refused to ‘soldier on,’ or return to the front-line meat grinder, could end up being shot for their perceived cowardice, perceived because very little value was often placed on their mental state, and given that the senior officers thought that if they were soft towards these men, it would fuel dissention within the ranks,
therefore for the soldiers affected it would often result in their inevitable ‘death by firing squad.’
Then there was this event:

Actually, it went more like this according to the website below the image

The Christmas Truce
‘Late on Christmas Eve German troops began unwrapping gifts from home, with many having been sent Christmas trees with candles. As the German soldiers lit their lanterns and displayed them on the edge of their trenches, carol singing broke out. Soon enough the British and French troops joined in. Christmas greetings and well wishes were exchanged, and offers of a temporary ceasefire were communicated between the trenches.’
‘Fear and distrust gave way to humanity. As the sun rose on Christmas morning, troops from both sides tentatively made their way out to no man’s land. The troops began to greet one another, and messages and gifts were exchanged. In a number of places caps and jackets became goal posts, as spontaneous games of football broke out, at least one of which the German’s allegedly won 3-2.’
The website provides a fuller account of the events and futility of Globalists Wars, drawing parallels between those who sat freezing in the Trenches during WW1 and likewise in Ukraine and Russia today.
The site states that Russia invaded Ukraine, but does not explain why, so for that you will have to do your own research and if you do dive deep enough, you will learn things not reported in the Mainstream Media (MSM). OK, where was I….oh yes, so back on message.
Then there are those whose mental state might ‘not’ have affected their refusal to fight, or at least not significantly, instead, they made a conscious decision to choose a quick death by firing squad, as opposed to a slow painful one in a rain sodden trench.
It is also possible that a quick death by firing squad was far more appealing than being blown up or suffering an agonising death having become one of the millions of ‘fallen’ in ‘no man’s land,’ possibly missing a limb or limbs, decaying and eventually becoming unrecognisable, and what little remained of them being devoured, sucked into the muddy quicksand.
In this sense, being shot and killed by a firing squad will have at least preserved their remains and remove the forlorn hope and suffering from their families, living in limbo that there ‘boy soldier’ might one day return home; at least this way they will be able to mourn their beloved sons.
We might never know the full story behind the individual deaths of soldiers shot by firing squads and possibly by people they knew, such is the cruelty of man in times of war.
Successive British Governments refused to acknowledge the ambiguities surrounding the deaths of those whose lives ended at the end of a firing squad, and just like the military decisions made by those during WW1, it would take a more forgiving society / government one hundred years later to posthumously pardon the people who were killed not at the hands of the enemy, but at the hands of their own countrymen.
Death by a firing squad during times of war is outlawed by the Geneva Convention, so what other way can governments deal with those who will not fight and or desert their posts.
We are closer to the day when choosing Euthanasia is no different to ‘Death by Firing Squad,’ the modern day equivalent of ‘Hari-Kari,’ which was a form of suicide chosen by Japanese soldiers in times of war for to avoid surrender to the enemy, preventing them dishonouring themselves and or their family; the practice was to take one’s own life through a self-inflicted sword or knife incision to the stomach area in a ritual sacrifice.
To me, the Assisted Dying Bill, should it become law, can be likened to ‘Pandora’s Box,’ which according to mythology when opened, its evil
contents spilled out into the world, and who would argue that the world is a less safe and more depressing than it was when the Berlin Wall came down back in 1989.
Allowing people to die who are at ‘death’s door’ with incurable and insufferable illnesses, which is the argument presented by those hoping for the introduction of the bill, which I understand of course, but it is not the point I wish to make, because we live in a world where we are governed by ‘wolves in sheep’s clothing,’ whose support for the Bill might well be ‘questionable.’
It is with this in mind that I am gravely concerned what and where the introduction of this Bill will lead to, and given the almost lascivious appetite of those in charge who push for war, it will only be a matter of time before the eligibility of Assisted Dying (AD) is redefined and the qualifying reasons for AD widened.
If the Government or State, I like to use both titles to mix it up a bit, were to be in control of Assisted Dying, you can bet your bottom dollar that it won’t take long before the business is being tendered out, which will be taken up by yet another Non-Government Organisation (NGO).
So, don’t be surprised at any revelations that the political classes have shares and or nepotistic interests invested into what is likely to become
a ‘booming industry’ and part of the Fourth Industrial Revolution the World Economic Forum (WEF) have in mind for us.
If you have never heard of the WEF, the ‘Truthing Community’ consider them to be the ‘unofficial government’ running the show, if not throughout the world, then at the very least in Europe.

So, is it too much to think that the Assisted Dying Bill will, one day, provide an option for those who do not want to go to war, go absent without leave or desertion from battle, by offering them ‘voluntary’ euthanasia or a lengthy indeterminate prison sentence, in what by then will be a ‘ball-breaking,’ Hard Labour Camp (HLC) where the mortality rate is high, extremely high.
Of course, the above is no real choice at all, but more a case of, ‘die if you do, die if you don’t,’ and when you realise that being in an HLC means you will be breaking rocks all day in the hot sun, under the watchful eye of Big Bubba who has nick-named you sweet-pants, the question of being offered ‘voluntary Euthanasia becomes a rhetorical one.
Before I love you and leave you, this is the second and final article published by Red Brick on the theme of war: War – Why and for whom? https://theredbrick.co.uk/2024/04/29/war-the-lyrics-not-the-song/
The next article will be a skit, a comical view of what the relationship between the Judiciary System might look like in the far away world of Dystopiama and yes, we also have offices there, too.
Alexous Hudlo Darnley, Red Brick International Media News Group.
PS. Je Suis Private Hobson.