Farmers – You Are On Your Own

Editor: We are pleased to welcome our colleague, Lando McLaddo, who is the Red Brick UK’s Lead Journalist for all things Farming. Here is his article re the introduction of inheritance task affecting the farming community.

Watch the video below, which will get you warmed up, most likely a tad angry and leave you speechless.


Labour is facing fury for "destroying" British farms with its cruel tax raid while sending hundreds of millions of pounds to support foreign farmers. An investigation found the UK’s aid budget is handing huge sums of money to farmers in Africa, Asia, and South America. More than 536 million pounds is being spent overseas on ten programmes including grants to promote low-carbon agriculture practices in Brazil, the world’s 11th richest country. Another scheme, worth more than 16 million pounds, aims to help new farmers in Rwanda produce tea for the first time. Shadow cabinet minister Robert Jenrick criticised Labour for “spending hundreds of millions on foreign farmers while British livelihoods are destroyed by their cruel inheritance tax changes”. Conservative MP Greg Smith, who represents rural Mid Buckinghamshire, said the revelation is “a total outrage” and “yet another absurdity from this Labour Government”. Just last month the Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Office launched a new fund to send 24 million pounds of British taxpayers’ cash to Kenya and other countries to help build profitable businesses that contribute to their food security, drive economic growth and create jobs and income in rural areas. It stands in stark contrast to claims that Chancellor Rachel Reeves’ inheritance tax raid imperils Britain’s own food security and will harm the rural economy. #bullshitnews #britishfarming

♬ original sound - BULLSHIT NEWS

Yes Farmers, you are right and it is not fair, but it is not your money they are after, no sir, it is your farms or to be more precise, it is your land they want, all of your lovely jubbly land, which will be sucked up by the corporates and it’s all part of the plan, because when the World Economic Forum’s (WEF) bad boy Klaus Schwab said, “You will own nothing and be happy,” he wasn’t joking and if you hadn’t realised it back then, you must surely have realised it by now, especially after wotz-is-name, the UK PM, stated pre-election that he chose Davos, the home of the WEF over Westminster.

What was that ‘Rally’ all about down in the ‘Smoke’ (London) way back in November, when you farmers cosied up with the politicians both past and present, who doubtless were there to take advantage of a photo op, giving the current politicians some much needed media exposure, and for those of yesteryear.

I see politicians as actors who provide the daily theatre of ‘bread and circus’ to keep the public to heel for as long as they can, because like you farmers, the people are being pushed to a point when they will have had enough, and that is when we might witness people refusing to pay into the system, such as refusing to make bill payments to the utility companies.

However, the Council Tax would be my favourite and believe me if you think it is high now, you would be forgiven for thinking that the 1974 song performed by the Bachman Turner Overdrive, “B-b-b-baby, you just ain’t seen n-n-n-nothing yet.” was a ‘line’ not just written for the farmers, but for everyone, because the Labour Government hasn’t hit the ground running yet and when they do, it is us who will be running in the opposite direction, leaderless, rudderless and clueless,

And why did you ‘tillers of the soil’ invite all of them politicos and new year honour wielding relics to the rally for, was it for support? If that was the reason it was a bit silly, wasn’t it, because they have left you with free range mush on your face, because it is the politicians who are overseeing your demise, whether they belong to the political past or present, they must surely have known that one day their globalist

masters would come for you, after all, the UK has been living under a one-party system of government for many decades now.

To me it looked more like some of them politicians were there to bask in your failure, because how many of them knew of your fate and for how long had they known it, because whilst you might believe that you are yanking the chains of the politicians, it is the Globalists who are yanking their chains.

So, congratulations and well done, because you are now one of the last industries left to be crushed under the pen and ink of corporate money, because they are standing ready to hand you a cheque for your property, a cheque might I add that will contain a number, which looks more like a telephone number plus area code, such is the money the globalist and their corporates have to play with.

A word to the wise amongst you, whilst the money-men wait patiently for you farmers to accept that money offer of theirs, if they think that you are about to refuse it, or if you are holding out for whatever reason, then they might just instruct their puppets in government to manufacture more nails, or should I say introduce more laws and regulations to kill the farming industry, so that eventually they can hammer down the lid on the farming industry’s coffin, well and truly shut.

Of course, by this time the corporates will have expected that you will have sold up and no doubt many of you will have, being able to walk off into the sunset with your pockets full their sovereigns and doubloons, however, there is a problem and it is you, because you are farmers and farming is in your blood, your DNA and I doubt whether there has been a Genetic Modification Surgery developed for you guys to change who you are and where you belong, or ever will be.

If any of you fine farming folks whose pedigrees and family lineages are rooted within your community as they are now, please think hard before choosing to leave the industry, because what price is happiness and contentment when it has come down to a telephone number, so be careful before you make that call.

I say this because you, the farming community, have a lifestyle that is worth defending, even worth dying for, but you are on your own now and it is your fight, and the reason you are on your own is because you are a powerful entity provided you stick together, that is why your industry unlike others has been left until last and why the tax hike is designed to divide you.

Take a look around you and ask yourself this, ‘where are all the industries’ that made the UK great, that’s right, you can’t see them because they are gone, having been systematically dismantled to the

point of critical, collapsing due to the intended ’Jenga Effect,’ eventually disappearing, to be dead and buried and now it’s your turn.

So, now you know why I wrote that you farmers are on your own.’ Below is my version of the Pastor Martin Niemöller poem, ‘They Came for Me,’ which he wrote as a lesson from history intended for humanity to learn from the mistakes of the past, so that they do not make the same mistakes in the future, or in the present.

And if anyone is thinking, “Oh now he tells us,” then that hand of yours with the finger you are pointing at me, well take a closer look at your hand, because you will see that there are three fingers on the same hand pointing back at you!

Anyways, here’s the poem I prepared using the Martin Niemöller original format:

First, they came for the Miners, and we stood by and did nothing,

because we were not miners.

Then they came for the Shipbuilders, and we did not speak out, because we did not build ships.

Again we stood by as they came for the Car Builders, and we did not speak out because we did not build cars.

Once more we stood by and did nothing as they came for the Steel Workers, and we did not speak out because we were not steel workers.

And finally, they came for us and when we looked around,

There was no one left to stand with us.

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